We send you the Excel template for the strata roll and opening balances b/f. You fill in, send to us and we import for you.
Screenshot of strata roll template
Easy migration of strata roll using Excel template
Print SP mortgage information
Auto-generate quarterly MF and SF billing to SP with Print sales audit trial.
Calculate output tax if MCST is GST registered
Bill to your sundry debtors for other income.
Calculate output tax if MCST is GST registered
Record bank transfer from SP to MCST bank account.
Record ad hoc Sect 45 (1) collection, BBQ booking, etc. with Print official receipt option.
Set multiple late payment interest percentages by date range.
Auto calculates late payment after the due date to the collection date.
Reverse amount that is no more due by the SP with Print statement of accounts to SP.
Record your sect 47 income into the system when there is a change of owner
Print the statement of accounts (SOA) to your SP after your bank reconciliation.
Add QR code to your SOA
Coming soon : Login to download SOA
Print monthly SP aging for review and follow up action
X days before the AGM, print out these 2 reports to check the voting rights and attendance list with or without voting rights.