Your Strata Roll is private and confidential

20th July 2018 – Personal info of 1.5m SingHealth patients, including PM Lee, stolen in Singapore’s worst cyber attack

How then can your individual SP information be protected?
When you change MA, your MA keeps the database, because they are using their own accounting system.  We had discussed this topic in the earlier blog as “Who owns the accounting data

Having a cloud system that separates the ownership of the database from the MA and revert to the council will , in a way,  reduces the changing hands of the strata roll from the previous MA to the new MA.

Within the operators of the system, you may have junior staff that you want them to do the accounts receivables of MF/SF collection, facilities booking, late payment interest etc. All need to refer to the owners’ name or unit number.

If you are still using your legacy software or desktop version. You cannot prevent your information be copied out of your premise.

At Realtimme Cloud , you can block your user from printing or exporting out the strata roll into pdf or excel.

Our daily mid-night backup will free your user of this responsibility and therefore have zero contact with the physical data.

Contact us for more information via our sales whatsApp +65 8148 8824 for more information.

Writer : Choo Hong Peng,
Chartered Accountant, Singapore

Email :

Updated as at 19/8/2020

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