Factors to consider when deciding a mcst accounting software solution

Recently, a managing agent started off his business to manage small private properties. We recommended our Basic plan that come with maximum of 20 sub-proprietors to start off with.

His comment was I do not need such complicated features and functions, I need something simple.

We would love to provide a simple solution but in real life, a small mcst requirements is no lesser than a 1000 SP mcst, the difference is the number of SP but the workflow remains the same and our solution need to cater to different situation that can arise.

Similarly, we are preparing our managing agent to scale up to bigger mcst projects that we can provide our premium solutions for 21 SP to 2000 SP or more

We also make it affordable for startup managing agents with a fee of SGD80 per year for micro projects of 20SP and below with all the full fledged features
that a 2000SP projects require, as our motto says…We start with you…We grow with you.

Migrating into and out of our solution is from excel spreadsheets to excel spreadsheets, easy to move out, just as easy to move in.

Training videos for new staff to learn, no training fees to be paid.

Industry standard document format that can be used immediately once ready to send out.

Whether you have 20 SP or 2000 SP, send your statements to them in 20 seconds.

Issue Purchase order to vendors with approval process by 2 or more appointed office holders.

Look out for our facility bookings and incident reports or document requests via WhatsApp in the later quarter of the year.

Contact us for more information via our sales WhatsApp +65 8148 8824 for more information.

Writer : Choo Hong Peng,
Chartered Accountant, Singapore
Email : sales@realtimme.net


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